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Tire Change options at a pitstop suggestion.
S2 licensed
it would be really cool if you could select which tires you want to get changed at a pit stop. like you know how you can hit F12 and make adjustmets to downforce, tire wear stuff, and fule load for the next pit. you should be able to choose which tires get changed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :The video you have requested is not available.

If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.

S2 licensed
Quote from [Matt] :thank you for the planning on buying the Track IR....

if i buy this kit, will it come complete with everthing i need to run the program that you made with LFS? ... roduct-TrackIR-4-PRO.html

or do i need an aditional "add-on" type piece?

ah i just noticed this program is for 5DOF...and the new ones are 6DOF. i but will it work with the 6DOF?
S2 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :Version for 0.5V has been on the site since yesterday

thank you for the planning on buying the Track IR....

if i buy this kit, will it come complete with everthing i need to run the program that you made with LFS? ... roduct-TrackIR-4-PRO.html

or do i need an aditional "add-on" type piece?
S2 licensed
Quote from smashpiranha :Wouldn't this end up being an advantage to anyone who doesn't have a clutch?

not really an advantage at all. you just dont have to depress the clutch when you crash/stop....
S2 licensed
Quote from Elderado :Thx Turbo Dad. Without your pics i would have never tried it.

holllyyyy shhhhhittt
S2 licensed
i ment to type super twitchy :tiltwhich basically means a lot of oversteer)

i messed with the setup alot and got it
I need some set help(sounds stupid but...)
S2 licensed
can someone please give me some tip on how to make a car super twitch...if it makes any difference..low speeds. IN general.

im a really big noob with set making, anything would help. thanks. this question probally sounds really stupidillepall
S2 licensed
thanks scawen for the unlock
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :NO Unlock Requests Here Please.

sorry about that, now that ive told you about the problem, it would be usless for me to pm you....

how should i go about fixing this?

i had U30 at the begging of this month, then i switched to U28, now i tried to unlock U32 and i get the error message.....

you can PM me back if you want so we dont cluster the thread....thanks
S2 licensed
Quote from RudolfR :Im having problem
Today I did format for my computer , it was 2nd unlock , and 5 mins ago I downloaded and extracted U32 , and I need to unlock LFS again , but I cant , it says I have made all my unlocks for this month , I will wait now 1 month for it ? please fix.

SAME with me...i just installed it, and tried to unlock s2 and it says ive used all of my unlocks for this month....can i get 1 more so i can use s2
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :thats more a problem of badly deburred pedals and a gas pedals that isnt placed further back than the brake pedal

you beat me too it
S2 licensed
[DSR] Dark Side Racing

[DSR] Lebaron
[DSR] Hmmm...
[DSR] nacnac
[DSR] Krikkitt
[DSR] Smack
[DSR] Matt
[DSR] MissHajni
[DSR] Mudbuss
[DSR] Noise
[DSR] OiCu812
[DSR] Vagabondos
[DSR] Lighfoot
[DSR] InitialD

New DSR members

[DSR] AlPayson
[DSR] DelusioN
[DSR] Sage
[DSR] Rudolf
[DSR] Gill
[DSR] Gabaaa
S2 licensed
just get a dds coverter...and convert it into a jpeg or whatever and then work with it in gimp
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis ::beady: I could tell you, but then I have to kill you


and if you tell him then i will have to kill you
S2 licensed
thats a very good deal...i got mine for over $300 w/shipping

more that $100 over that price
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Nooo... there IS camera roll! New feature in patch U!

Press Ctrl+left/right arrow to roll in Shift+U. Ctrl+up/down adjusts camera elevation

thanks for the help man
S2 licensed
am i missing something? when i go to shif+u mode, i cant adjust the roll of the camara...this is my first time playing with it...

p.s. sorry if i put this in the wrong section, there are so many freeking sub forums
Clutch damage/wear [added in 0.5Y]
S2 licensed
i think it would be cool if there was like a clutch damage or wear in S3. like how people dont cut the throttle on upshifts, that would create damage.

or even taking it to another level...if you crash or something, and you dont depress the clutch when your car stops, then it stalls out and you have to push a button or something to restart the car.

idk its just an idea.
S2 licensed
also, less pressure=more you get much slower lap times(depending on how much pressure you take out)
S2 licensed
if any of you guys are interested, DSR is going to be running an F1 will be posted on very shortly!
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :Can someone render this for me please?

im a noob at rendering...but i gave it my best shot! lol ... 9/iwilltbag/FZRrender.jpg
S2 licensed
i have a G25 and it works great with LFS... you probally didnt configure it right.

is the clutch peddle set to axis?
are your throttle and brake set to separate(not combined)

i dont really understand what(specifically) isnt working with LFS...tell me and i can help you to get it going....
S2 licensed
im 16...
S2 licensed
Quote from Streets Ghost :I hope you like it, Matt


thats amazing!!!! thank you very much!

i love it